The first committee of the General Assembly deals with disarmament, global challenges and threats to peace that affect the international community. The committee covers 7 seven thematic areas, including; nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction, outer space (areas relating to disarmament), conventional weapons, regional disarmament and security, other disarmament measures and international security, disarmament machinery.
The committee is structured into 3 distinctive stages which are: general debate, thematic discussion, and action on drafts
The topics before the committee are:
- Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament.
- Countering the Threat of Improvised Explosive Devices, Landmines, Cluster Munitions, and
Other Explosives.
The second committee of the General Assembly is the Economic and Financial committee. It deals with issues relating to economic growth and development including; macroeconomic policy, globalisation and interdependence, financing for development, human settlements, eradication of poverty, food security and nutrition, agriculture development, operational activities for development, information and communications technologies for development, global partnerships.
The committee establishes resolutions that address socioeconomic inadequacies
The topics before the committee are:
- Addressing the Debt Of Developing Countries to Promote Growth and Economic Development.
- The Impact of Cryptocurrency on the Global Financial Market.
The third committee of the General Assembly deals with Social, Humanitarian and Cultural issues. The committee discusses issues around the protection of children, the advancement of women rights, indigenous rights, elimination of various forms of discrimination, right to self determination, persons with disabilities, youth empowerment, crime prevention and criminal justice, response to disasters, the international drug trade and related issue, the committee’s mandate is broad in that it addresses multifarious and incidental issues that affect human rights.
The topics before the committee are:
- Addressing Systemic Racism in the 21st century.
- Combatting human trafficking on an International Scale.
The UNHCR serves as the UN Refugee Agency. It is a global organization which is dedicated to saving lives, protecting human rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced persons and stateless persons globally. The agency’s operation is targeted at ensuring that everybody fleeing home on grounds of violence, prosecution, war or disaster has the right to seek asylum and safe refuge elsewhere. The UNHCR’s operations have touched over a million lives globally.
The topic before the committee is:
- Climate Change and Displacement.
- Ending Statelessness.
United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)
The United Nations Environmental Assembly is the main governing body of the United Nations Environment Program. It is charged with ensuring that the environment is in the best condition at all times. The United Nations Environment Assembly is the world’s highest-level decision-making body on the environment. It addresses the critical environmental challenges facing the
world today. Comprehending these challenges and preserving and rehabilitating our environment is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The topics before the committee are:
- The Depletion of Natural Resources: the Need for Alternate Sources of Energy and utility.
- The Management and Reduction of Waste in Urban Areas.
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is one of the six principal organ’s of the United Nations. The court’s role is to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by States and to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies. The ICJ is the only international court that adjudicates general disputes between countries, with its rulings and opinions serving as primary sources of international law.
The topics before the committee are:
- Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
(Qatar v UAE) (Contentious). - Legal Consequences of the Separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965.
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
UNICEF is primarily concerned with advocating for the rights of children worldwide. The goal of UNICEF is to protect the rights of children, meet their basic needs and create opportunities for them. UNICEF works with the United Nations, governments, civil societies and other organizations to ensure that every child, regardless of their situation or circumstance has an education, has access to healthy nutrition, is physically and mentally healthy, protected from violence, has a safe environment and is free from discrimination. The work of UNICEF is centered around the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) which guarantees the rights of every child. In addition, UNICEF is working to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for every child and eliminate inequality against children in every sphere.
The topics before the committee are:
- Addressing the Mental Health of Children in Disadvantaged Communities.
- Sexual Abuse and Child Pornography in the Digital Age.
United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
The Security Council has the primary responsibility of maintaining international peace, security and stability. Besides this, the mandate of the Security Council includes maintaining friendly relations among nations of the world, solving international problems and promoting human rights. The Security Council is currently the only United Nations body whose resolutions and decisions are binding on all Member States. To achieve its objectives, the Council settles disputes among Member States, investigates disputes, invokes military intervention and issues sanctions, where the need arises.
The topics before the committee are:
- The Right to Privacy Under International Law:Technology as a Risk or Mechanism?
- Genocide:Addressing the Gross Human RightViolation in Uyghur and Rohingya.
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
UNHRC is the United Nations body which has the mandate to protect and promote human rights worldwide. UNHRC plays an important role in the UN system due to its ability to discuss urgent human rights issues, as they occur – throughout the year. The UNHRC is also empowered to address situations of violations of human rights, and make recommendations. The Council achieves its goals through a number of ways including the Universal Periodic Review mechanism which assesses the human rights situation in every UN Member State, and the Complaint Procedure which enables individuals and organizations to bring human right
violations to the attention of the UNHRC. The work of the Council spans a number of human rights issues including freedom of expression, LGBTQ rights, rights of persons with disability, minority rights, freedom of belief and religion, women’s rights, amongst others.
The topics before the committee are:
- Addressing the Issue of Use of Force by Police on Civilians in Civil Demonstrations.
- Human Trafficking and Child Labour in Africa.
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
UN Women is dedicated to the promotion of equality and empowerment for women, in all spheres of life. The priorities of the Entity include the promotion of women in leadership and government, freedom from violence and oppression, economic freedom and decent work for women, and the inclusion of women in peacekeeping and peace-building efforts. UN Women works to achieve the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals for women all over the world. UN Women supports UN and other intergovernmental bodies such as the CSW in formulating policies and standards for gender equality. Also, the Entity works with Member States, providing technical and financial aid to implement these standards. Internally, UN Women ensures that these standards are met within the UN system.
The topics before the committee are:
- Addressing the Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights of Women in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Technology as a Tool on Aiding Disabled Women and Children.
The WHO is the United Nations agency that connects nations, partners, and people to promote health. The official mandate of the WHO is to promote health and safety while helping the vulnerable worldwide. It provides technical assistance to countries, sets international health standards, collects data on global health issues, and serves as a forum for scientific or policy discussions related to health.
The topics before the committee are:
- Establishing Preparation Protocols for Pandemics and Epidemics.
- Occupational Health: Promoting the Physical, Mental and Emotional Health of the Employed